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The Downtown Novato

Holiday Window Decorating Contest


How would you like a $100 gift card to boost your holiday shopping budget? This year, the DNBA is once again having a window decorating contest, and all you have to do is vote for your chance to WIN!


It's Easy to Vote


1. Come to Downtown Novato and check out the beatifully decorated storefronts between 11/28 and 12/1.


2. Pick the store YOU think did the best job of spreading holiday cheer in their window(s).


3. Use your smartphone to snap a picture of your FAVORITE window display. (Note:  You may not vote by resharing, retweeting, tagging, or otherwise using the photo that someone else has taken.  The photo MUST be your own).


4. Upload your photo to one of the following social media platforms: (Note:  you can only vote once, i.e. you can only submit one photo).


  • Facebook - post the image to our wall (LINK), and include the hashtag #shopsmall in your caption

  • Instagram - Tag your photo @downtownnovato and include the hashtag #shopsmall

  • Twitter - Tag your photo @downtownnovato and include the hashtag #shopsmall

  • All of the votes received from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter will be entered into a random drawing for a $100 gift card. Cross your fingers and we'll contact the winner by Friday 12/4/2015.


That's it! Good luck and Happy Holidays!

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